Saturday, October 28, 2006
Van Os on Abbott Caught Stealing Taxpayer Money
The "good guy" image of himself that Greg Abbott is spending millions of dollars to promote is phonier than a three-dollar bill. Beneath the glossy campaign ads, he's a thief and a hypocrite, and his claim to be such a nice guy is a pack of lies.
Abbott has been caught red-handed using film produced by state employees on state equipment and on state time in his campaign commercials and in his campaign website. WFAA-TV laid out the undeniable evidence in its 10:00 news on October 27. Anyone with an Internet connection can view the story at
The WFAA report also reveals that Abbott set up an expensive video department in the AG's office on tax dollars so he could produce films for his grandstanding at the taxpayers' expense.
Greg Abbott is a state employee. State law prohibits state employees from using state resources for political purposes. It's stealing the taxpayers' money.
Hey Greg, WRONG is WRONG, LYING is LYING, and STEALING is STEALING. There's no difference between stealing a penny and stealing a dollar; cheating on a test or cheating in an election; little white lies or whoppers.
Just like all the other insider politicians, Greg Abbott thinks he has an entitlement to his public office, as if it were his personal property. Greg Abbott is so sure of his entitlement to public office, he thinks he has a special privilege to steal public equipment and resources to promote himself. If he doesn't apply the law to himself, then he'll also selectively enforce the law -- and that is what he does. He gives free passes to big campaign contributors through non-enforcement of consumer protection laws; but enforces the law vigorously against those who are defenseless and usually penniless.
He garnishes a child's bank account so he can get a statistic claiming he's collected child support -- by taking the money from the very child the money was intended for.
He calls himself the holy defender of the Ten Commandments while trampling on its injunctions not to steal, lie, or idolize himself.
He calls himself the patriotic defender of the Pledge of Allegiance while disgracing our nation's fundamental value that government belongs to the people.
We the people have got to take our government back from the crooks. Greg Abbott is such a hypocrite it makes me want to throw up, and it's time the people throw him out of the office he is stealing from them.
posted by snarko! at 12:47 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
David Van Os on Abbott's Proposed Death Penalty for Child Sex Predators
While I support stiff penalties for sex predators, I am opposed to punishing a crime that did not result in a death with the death penalty. This makes me the exact opposite of Greg Abbott, who favors the death penalty for 'sex predators' even where the offense did not result in a death.
Applying the death penalty to a crime that did not result in death is disproportionate to the crime and thus unconstitutional in my opinion. Also, reserving the death penalty for homicides saves some crime victims' lives. Making non-homicide crimes subject to the death penalty will result in some criminals killing their victims where they might not have done so, since they have nothing further to lose by committing murder. Abbott's position on this issue is typical of his grandstanding. It is also typical of the way he deals with families. In his administration of child support, for example, he does not care about the families who are involved in anguishing situations. He only cares about getting his statistics to use as political bragging points. In many sex crime cases the offender is a family member who needs treatment and cure. To apply the death penalty in such cases would only bring more anguish to already distressed families.
Families need help, Greg, not lethal injections.
posted by snarko! at 4:49 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Don't Build Walls; Just Enforce the Law!
The Bush administration prosecuted less than ten (10) employers nationwide last year for violating laws in the employment of undocumented immigrants. As a loyal Bush Republican, Greg Abbott does absolutely nothing about corporate employers who violate these laws.
Employers who pay substandard wages to attract undocumented immigrant workers harm everybody. (1) Those employers foster disrespect for the rule of law, (2) they undercut the wages and living standards of American workers, (3) they create unfair competition for law-abiding employers and workers, (4) they exploit the economic desperation of the undocumented immigrants, and (5) they place increasingly massive burdens on communities that are struggling to provide services.
The Texas Attorney General can do something about it. Twenty years ago Attorney General Jim Mattox aggressively enforced our laws and assessed severe penalties against employers who broke labor laws to attract and exploit undocumented workers.
But as a loyal Bush Republican, Greg Abbott does not believe in prosecuting corporations, so he does absolutely nothing about corporate employers who violate the law in the hiring and employment standards of undocumented immigrants.
posted by snarko! at 2:35 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Abbott Uses Children as Stage Props
"If the accused predators Abbott's arrested had the money to give him big campaign contributions, instead of being arrested they would have been honored guests at his high-dollar fundraisers." ~David Van Os
"Greg Abbott is using his millions of dollars of corporate special interest money to blitz the airwaves with a slick package of lies and hypocrisy that shamefully uses children as stage props to try to buy this election. If the predators he's arrested had the money to give him big campaign contributions, instead of being arrested they would have been honored guests at his high-dollar fundraisers.
"In all the talk about protecting children, you don't hear a word about the biggest job of the Attorney General, which is to protect our children from growing up into a brave new world where they stand to live their whole lives as indentured servants to the banks, the finance companies, and their own government, thanks to the corporate and governmental war on the middle class. Greg Abbott is a general in that war, leading the charge on behalf of the corporate and political elite to deprive our children of their birthright, the opportunity to live as free and independent citizens in a Constitutional democracy that protects their rights and liberties, and that doesn't take their property away from them for private corporations to make money off of.
"Texans are entitled to an Attorney General who will be the people's champion, who will fight back for the people against the corporate robber barons and political power grabbers who are stealing our democracy and shredding our rights and liberties. We the people CAN fight back. I'm pledged under oath to do what Abbott's million-dollar advertising ignores - I'll give our children a real people's lawyer who will defend their rights and liberties to the very last breath. I'll fight the powerful corporate and political special interests. I'll fight 'em till hell freezes over, and then I'll fight 'em on the ice."
posted by snarko! at 12:36 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Van Os Endorsed by SA Firefighters Association
The San Antonio Firefighters Association announced October 13 that it has endorsed David Van Os in the race for Texas Attorney General.
David reacted, "It is an honor to be endorsed by our state's finest public servants who risk life and limb to protect the public from fires and natural disasters. I am grateful for this expression of confidence from the San Antonio Firefighters, one of the biggest municipal firefighting organizations in Texas."
The San Antonio Firefighters Association is a chartered local of the International Association of Fire Fighters. It is the certified representative of all uniformed firefighters employed by the City of San Antonio.
posted by snarko! at 1:37 PM
Van Os Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Protect Against Eminent Domain, Tolling
PRESS RELEASE :: Van Os Completing 254-County Tour; Proposes Constitutional Protection from Eminent Domain and Tolling
OCTOBER 16: In the last week of his 254-county whistlestop tour, Attorney General candidate David Van Os suggests Constitutional Amendments to protect Texans from continuing abuses of eminent domain and toll roads.
Unveiling what he terms "Citizens' Protection Amendments," Van Os proposes that the power of eminent domain be limited to reasons of public security and safety. He also proposes that toll roads should require voter referendums.
Van Os stated, "If government can take private property from the individual on a whim, then we're living in dictatorship, not democracy. Texans are seeing a continuing and growing abuse of eminent domain. This has to stop."
Van Os continued, "These amendments will restore the checks and balances between government and the individual. I call upon the governor and the legislature to tackle this issue as soon as possible."
At 4:00 p.m. on each day, Van Os will meet the public and the press at the Tarrant County Courthouse on October 16 (#250), Dallas County Courthouse on October 17 (#251), Harris County Courthouse on October 18 (#252), Bexar County Courthouse on October 19 (#253), and Travis County Courthouse on October 20 (#254).
Proposed Amendments to the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution "Citizens' Protection Amendments"
1. No private property may be taken without the owner's consent unless the taking is necessitated by the public security or safety and there is no other reasonable recourse. In no case may economic considerations be considered reasons of public security or safety. This amendment is self-executing and is applicable to any pending uncompleted taking. 2. In no case may any private person or enterprise purchase, lease, or utilize for the pursuit of profit or gain any property that has been taken for public purposes without the owner's consent. This section does not prohibit the payment of public money as fair compensation for employment, construction or maintenance, or ancillary services to employees, construction or maintenance contractors, or vendors of ancillary services. This amendment is self-executing and is applicable to any pending usage that has not begun remunerative operations. 3. In no case may a toll or fee be demanded or collected for travel on any transportation facility constructed through any use of public authority or money unless the voters of the county in which the facility is located shall have approved the tolling by referendum. This amendment is self-executing and is applicable to any pending uncompleted project.
posted by snarko! at 1:27 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Family Farmers Committee Endorses David Van Os For Texas Attorney General
"Rural Texans have been pushed to the bottom of the ladder for way too long. Government is supposed to belong to ALL the people, not just the urban elite power brokers." ~ David Van Os
In recognition of David Van Os' demonstrated commitment to addressing the needs of rural Texas and the agricultural community, the Family Farmers United Political Action Committee has unanimously endorsed the Van Os campaign for Texas Attorney General.
In announcing the endorsement, Family Farmers United PAC president Wes Sims of Sweetwater stated, "The Family Farmers Political Action Committee unanimously endorses the candidacy of David Van Os for Texas Attorney General. We appreciate his strong support for family farmers and ranchers as well as the vibrancy of rural Texas."
Accepting the endorsement, Van Os said, "Rural Texans have been pushed to the bottom of the ladder for way too long. Government is supposed to belong to ALL the people, not just the urban elite power brokers."
posted by snarko! at 12:57 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
San Antonio Toll Party Endorses David Van Os For Texas Attorney General
"If elected to serve as Attorney General of Texas, I solemnly promise that I will use every legal means available to me by that office to bring to a halt and/or invalidate the unconstitutional and illegal project known as the Trans-Texas Corridor." ~David Van Os, from written oath filed in public records at county courthouses
David Van Os' candidacy for Attorney General has been endorsed by the San Antonio Toll Party, a leading non-partisan grassroots citizens' organization in the statewide efforts to stop the state government's current plans to seize Texans' private lands and property through forcible eminent domain for the construction of giant toll roads that will be operated by wealthy private companies from Spain.
Toll Party Regional Director Terri Hall of San Antonio stated, "Mr. Van Os is committed to stopping the Trans Texas Corridor and urban toll road debacle. He sees the total disconnect between government and those they're charged with representing. He's a fighter and has filed sworn affidavits vowing to fulfill his promise to stop the privatizing and tolling of our public infrastructure. ... Mr. Van Os is featured in a documentary film 'Truth Be Tolled' where his comments at TxDOT public meetings brilliantly codify everything that's wrong with this Governor's transportation policies and how we the PEOPLE can stop it."
Van Os has completed 247 of his planned campaign stops at every one of Texas' 254 county courthouses. He files in the public records in each courthouse a written oath of his intention to stop the Trans-Texas Corridor. He began his 254-county trek in April.
Van Os stated, "The Trans Texas Corridor is a monstrous explosion of greed and arrogance. It represents a profound disrespect for Texans' lands and properties. It is an insult to the very character of our beautiful state, and Texans everywhere are outraged."
Van Os continued, "Article 4, Section 22 of the Texas Constitution mandates that the Attorney General shall do everything necessary and proper to prevent any private corporation from demanding or collecting any species of toll not authorized by law. The contemplated magnitude of forcible eminent domain, coupled with the magnitude of the billions of dollars of profit for the European companies, in my opinion makes this abominable project unconstitutional in Texas. If elected to serve as Attorney General I am going to use every legal means available to me by that office to bring this unconstitutional project to a halt."
"I'm placing my intentions in the public records, in writing and under oath, because I want my fellow Texans to know exactly what I intend to I want them to know that I mean what I say," Van Os further noted.
posted by snarko! at 11:54 AM
David Van Os on Overhauling Child Support Enforcement
Throughout Greg Abbott's term as Texas Attorney General I've been appalled at his rank exploitation of children and human tragedies. During the nearly six months' time that I've been touring Texas and visiting with people in every part of our state, I have listened to many of my fellow Texans and learned many things about real people's real concerns. The time has come for me to speak out against Greg Abbott's outrageous exploitation of children for political purposes.
In the hands of Greg Abbott, the Texas child support enforcement program is primarily a source of statistics for him to use in order to congratulate himself in his frequent self-praising press releases. It is an outrage for this slick public relations hound of a politician to use children and distressed family situations in such a manner, and especially to do so on the taxpayers' dollar through the Attorney General's personal print shop.
Every day scores of people affected by the program -- both custodial and non-custodial parents -- experience crisis and panic because either (a) as a custodial parent they are not receiving their child support payments, causing severe economic distress for struggling single parents and their children, or (b) as a non-custodial parent they are erroneously classified as "deadbeats," causing the loss of liberty and/or devastating financial consequences when they are not in fact delinquent in their support obligations.
In case after case, the affected individuals make panicky calls to the Office of Attorney General to find resolution, but then sit through a series of automated voice-mail menus and cannot find anyone to help them. I know this because I have met many of these good Texans -- at almost every stop in my whistlestop tour of Texas, victims of Abbott's unresponsive system have approached me and pleaded for help. In 247 counties across the great state of Texas, not one time has anyone told me the system worked for THEM. The stories people have told me of being abused by a system that is supposed to provide sustenance for the children are appalling and consistently the same -- they were disrespected, insulted, demoralized and degraded. They are suffering and even worse, their children are suffering. If the Attorney General were doing his job the child support system would reunite more families, but instead they are ripped into further shreds and the emotional and financial damage caused by distressed relationships is further compounded.
Greg Abbott brags about statistics because statistics are all that is important to him; the individuals and their circumstances do not matter. Instead of working WITH parents to help them provide safe and loving environments for their children, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, Abbott chooses instead to use our society's tragic level of human anguish in these situations as a political bragging point that reflects the warped value system of an ambitious career politician for whom human beings are nothing more than fodder for his ambition. To cite the gross dollar amount of child support collected tells us nothing about how individuals are treated, it tells us nothing about the accuracy of collections, and in fact it tells us nothing about the percentage of debt owed that was collected. But it does tell us that the incumbent attorney general is a nonstop public relations machine and self-promoting career politician.
The child support enforcement program needs overhauling and with the help of other honest public servants I will overhaul it. Both parents matter in a child's life and as Attorney General I will do everything in my power to help these human beings through a painful and emotionally draining time by properly addressing each person's rights and responsibilities, instead of simply meeting the mandated "goals" while leaving a trail of human destruction from Texarkana to El Paso and from Dalhart to McAllen. This will be a long-range project and there is no immediate "quick fix", but I am equal to the task.
In my tour of Texas many conscientious local government officials have given me constructive ideas for possible solutions. Early in my term as attorney general I am going to convene a conference of interested local government officials from all over Texas, not to be lectured to, but to be listened to as we brainstorm together for long-range solutions. For example, it may be that some or all of the centralized bureaucracy in the Attorney General's office should be disbanded and some part or all of the program be returned to the counties and districts, where government is closer to the people and generally more responsive.
To deal with the immediate emergencies of the great number of individuals whose crises are not being addressed, when I take office I will immediately establish an office of live ombudsmen with the responsibility to talk to the callers in person and to follow through with rapid investigation and resolution of complaints. While Greg Abbott claims to have an ombudsman unit, the truth is that every caller who contacts the ombudsman division, if they can wade through the voice-mail menus, is immediately referred back to the child support unit where their problems began. Not on my watch.
When you pit one parent against the other in a manner that compounds the conflict, you cannot help but further wound the children involved. This must stop and it must stop now. It is my belief that most parents honestly and genuinely want to do right by their children. Under my administration, each and every parent will be afforded that opportunity to step to the plate, accept responsibility and work together to support their children in every way -- financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Those parents who refuse to act in their children's best interests will be compelled to accept financial responsibility through the strict rule of law. If they are defiant of their responsibilities on my watch the official response will be extremely tough. But under Greg Abbott's administration, emotionally and financially distressed parents are not encouraged or given real opportunities to work together constructively for the sake of their children. All is fine with Greg Abbott as long as he gets the statistics he thinks he needs to promote his ambitious political career. Abbott's promotion of himself through the exploitation of children and human tragedies has to stop now. When I am Attorney General, children -- not politics -- will be the most important priority in child support enforcement.
posted by snarko! at 11:33 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
It takes a lot more money to sell lies than it does to spread truth
[ audio post ]
Government is supposed to belong to all the people, therefore the political process has to include all the people, in every county of our state. That's why I'm spending from April to October personally visiting and speaking to the public at every one of the 254 county courthouses in Texas.
Under the Texas Constitution the people are entitled to a state attorney general who serves the public interest instead of special interests. The Texas Attorney General is the one state officer who under our Texas Constitution is most especially responsible to protect the people as citizens, consumers, taxpayers, and private property owners.
With his millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the wealthy and the privileged, the incumbent Rick Perry Republican attorney general, Greg Abbott, wants to purchase another four years to continue protecting the toll-road profiteers, the insurance companies, the oil companies, and corrupt politicians from the people.
This year the voters have a real choice for real change. I'm a fighting grassroots lawyer with 30 years of Texas courtroom experience, and I'm determined to protect the people from the corporate robber barons and political insiders instead of the other way around. When your lawyer has a conflict of interest you should fire him, and it's time for the people of Texas to fire Greg Abbott.
I'm tired of politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths. I'm filing my convictions and pledges in writing under oath, in public records, because my fellow Texans have a right to know exactly what I intend to do on their behalf. I want my fellow Texans to know that I mean what I say. To see my sworn pledges to my fellow Texans you may review my affidavit at this website.
It takes a lot more money to sell lies than it does to spread truth. I'll rely on the wisdom of the people in contrast to Greg Abbott's millions of dollars worth of slick television commercials. The people of Texas need a real lawyer to work for them for a change, not a slick public relations hound. Thank you for listening to this message.
posted by snarko! at 12:07 PM
Van Os Tour Hit 231st County on September 29
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE :: October 3, 2006
"Government belongs to all the people of Texas; therefore the political process must include all the people." ~ David Van Os
David Van Os continues this week on his whistlestop tour to meet with the public at all 254 county courthouses in Texas. Last week Van Os addressed the public at 20 county courthouses in West Texas, with Lubbock County on Friday afternoon being the 231st courthouse stop in his statewide trek. At each courthouse, Van Os files a written oath of his convictions and intentions with the County Clerk for recording in the public records.
Van Os states: "Government is supposed to belong to all the people, therefore the political process has to include all the people, in every county of our state. That's why I'm spending from April to October personally visiting and speaking to the public at every one of the 254 county courthouses in Texas.
"Under the Texas Constitution the people are entitled to a state attorney general who serves the public interest instead of the special interests. The Texas Attorney General is the one state officer who under our Constitution is most especially responsible to protect the people as citizens, consumers, taxpayers, and private property owners. With his millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the wealthy and the privileged, incumbent Greg Abbott wants to purchase another four years to continue protecting the toll-road profiteers, the insurance companies, the oil companies, and corrupt politicians from the people. This year the voters have a real choice for real change, a fighting lawyer who will protect the people from the political insiders and robber barons instead of the other way around. When your lawyer has a conflict of interest you should fire him, and it's time for the people of Texas to fire Greg Abbott.
"I'm tired of politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths. I am filing my pledges and intentions in writing under oath, in public records, because my fellow Texans have a right to know exactly what I intend to do on their behalf.
"It takes a lot more money to sell lies than it does to spread truth. I'll rely on the wisdom of the people in contrast to Greg Abbott's millions of dollars worth of slick television commercials. The people of Texas need a real lawyer to work for them for a change, not a slick public relations hound."
See below for this week's WhistleStop Tour schedule:
Tuesday, October 3
8:15 AM Lynn County Courthouse, Tahoka 10:00 AM Dawson County Courthouse, Lamesa 12:00 NOON Gaines County Courthouse, Seminole 2:15 PM Andrews County Courthouse, Andrews 4:15 PM Martin County Courthouse, Stanton
Wednesday, October 4
8:30 AM Howard County Courthouse, Big Spring 10:15 AM Mitchell County Courthouse, Colorado City 11:45 AM Scurry County Courthouse, Snyder 2:15 PM Borden County Courthouse, Gail 4:00 PM Garza County Courthouse, Post
Thursday, October 5
8:30 AM Kent County Courthouse, Jayton 10:00 AM Stonewall County Courthouse, Aspermont 11:45 AM Haskell County Courthouse, Haskell 2:30 PM Knox County Courthouse, Benjamin 4:00 PM King County Courthouse, Guthrie
Friday, October 6
9:00 AM Dickens County Courthouse, Dickens
posted by snarko! at 11:43 AM
David Van Os Challenges Abbott to Debate
While Barnstorming the State, Van Os Challenges Abbott to Debate
Yesterday David Van Os, while in the midst of his county-to-county tour in West Texas, sent Greg Abbott a one-line letter challenging the incumbent to a public debate of the issues in this year's election for attorney general. A copy of the letter is below.
For approximately the last 5 months Van Os has been on a whistlestop tour to meet the public at every county courthouse in the state. There are 254 counties in Texas. As of October 3, he had met with the public at 236 county courthouses. This morning he began the day at the Howard County courthouse in Big Spring. By the end of this week he will have been to 247 courthouses.

October 3, 2006 VIA U.S. MAIL & FACSIMILE
Greg Abbott Texans for Greg Abbott Campaign PO Box 308 Austin, TX 78767
Dear Greg:
I hereby challenge you to a public debate of the issues involved in this year’s general election for the office of Texas Attorney General.
Sincerely, David Van Os
posted by snarko! at 11:04 AM